Lot 7

Three Kosta Boda Art Glass Bowls

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Lot Details & Additional Photographs
The first is a blue mottled bowl by Bertil Vallien (Swedish, b. 1938), signed "B Vallien, Boda-Afors" to base (3.75 x 6.75 in.); the second is a free-form blue striped bowl by Ulrica Hydman-Vallien (Swedish, b. 1938), signed "Kosta Boda Ulrica HV 49941" (4.25 x 5 in.); the third is a burnt-amethyst cut to clear linear pattern bowl and underplate by Vicke Lindstrand (Swedish, 1904-1983), signed "Kosta LS 584 and 586" (bowl: 3.5 x 5.25 in.; underplate: 8.25 in. diameter).

Property of a Charleston, SC Collection

$200 - 400