Lot Details & Additional Photographs
As follows: 1. Roman Republic, Anonymous, victoriatus, circa 211-208 B.C. Head of Jupiter right / Victory crowning trophy right, RSC 36e, Very Fine. 2. Roman Republic, C. Sulpicius C. f. Galba, circa 106 B.C., denarius. Conjoined head of the Dei Pinate right / Soldiers swearing an oath over a sow, Crawford 312/1, good Very Fine with old cabinet toning. 3. Roman Empire, Geta as Caesar, 198 - 211 A.D., denarius, 200-202. Draped bust right / Securitas seated left, RIC 20a, nearly Extremely Fine. 4. Roman Empire, Honorius, 393-423 A.D., siliqua of Mediolanum. Diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / Roma enthroned, Sear 4250, Extremely Fine.
Private Collection, Wilmington, North Carolina
$200 - 400