Lot 2049

Tibetan Hayagriva and Vajrayogini Sculpture

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Hayagriva and Vajrayogini are depicted locked in a passionate embrace, standing on top of two pairs of crowned deities, Hayagriva and Vajrayogini both wear five-pointed skull crowns with Hayagriva's having a horse head at top, and they stand in fierce alidhasana on a raised single lotus blossom base with beading on top and bottom, on underside of base is a copper plate decorated with a vajra, this copper plate is secured with wrapped edges, possibly added later to replace original taken off during inspection by the Chinese, the hollow portion of the sculpture often held sacred prayers or items.

5.5 in.

Good estate condition; some verdigris from age; some scratches and wear; Hayagriva's head can be detached but is currently secure.