Lot 2474

Six American Motivational Posters From the World Wars

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As follows: "Our Daddy is Fighting...2nd Liberty Loan of 1917," T. F. Moore Co., New York (31 x 21 in.) (browning, creases and stains, in frame); "2nd Liberty Loan of 1917," Sackett & Wilhelms Corporation, New York (31-1/4 x 21-1/4 in.) (browning, creased, laid to board in frame); "Beat Back the Hun with Liberty Bonds" (18-3/4 x 28-3/4 in.)(chips and browning; in silvertone frame); "I am telling you..," American Lithographic Co., New York, n.d. (30 x 20 in.) (browning, creases, stains, laid to board); "Official Civilian Defense Insignia," U. S. Government Printing Office, 1942, (40 x 28-1/2 in.) (fold creases, overall browning); "a careless word / ...another cross," U. S. Government Printing Office, 1943, (39-1/4 x 27 in.) (fold creases, some chipping).

The Collection of the late Joel Siegel, New York, New York