Lot 313

Mrs. B. Watts (American, 20th Century), The First Capital of Texas: Columbia, 1836

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Lot Details & Additional Photographs
Oil on canvas, signed at lower right, typed label with history affixed en verso, housed in a period gilt and gesso frame.

Stretcher size 11 x 12 1/2 in. Frame dimensions 14 3/4 x 16 1/2 in.

The typed label en verso presents the history of the landmark featured in this painting, the first capital of Texas, in present-day West Columbia, where Sam Houston was made the president of the new Texas Republic in 1836.

Where Sam Houston was inaugurated on October 22nd / The following May Congress met in Houston, and designated that city / as the capital of the Republic. In 1839 Congress voted to move the Capital / to Austin. / For four years the Stars and Bars floated over the State that had / already seen five banners the Spanish, The French, Mexican Lone Star/ and Stars and Stripes. / Texas is the only state in the Union that has the distinction of having / her own flag. "The Lone Star"

This painting was reproduced by the artist from a photograph.

Some bucking to canvas in lower margin, otherwise good estate condition; some retouching to decoration loss on frame.