Lot 3142

Five (5) Ancient Coins Variously From North Africa and the Middle East

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Lot Details & Additional Photographs
As follows: Carthage, late 3rd c. B.C., Head of Tanit, l. / Horse, r., looking back; Carthage, 3rd c. B.C., Pegasos flying l. / date palm. Both coins Fine condition; Judaea, Alexander Jannaeus (103-76 B.C.), AE lepton, largeand full flan; Numidia, Micipsa (148-118 B.C.), AE 26, bust / horse galloping, Fine with some flatness; Parthia, Gotarzes II (40-51 A.D.), AR drachm, King's bust / Arsaces seated with bow

Severino Family Collection, Washington, D.C.