Lot 3146

Eight (8) Historic German Silver Thalers and Two (2) Maria Theresa Restrikes Thalers

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As follows: German States: Bavaria, Maximillian III, Josef, 1769 Thaler and 1772 Thaler (cleaned), KM# 519.1; Brunswick-Lüneburg-Calenberg-Hannover. George III.1794, 24 Mariengroschen, 2/3 Thaler, KM# 341; Prussia, two (2) 1861 Wilhelm I Thalers, KM#488; Prussia, 1876 5 Mark, KM #503; Prussia, Wilhelm II, 1907 5 Mark, KM# 523; Prussia, Wilhelm II, 1901 2 Mark "200 Year Anniversary," KM 525; Austria, (2) Maria Theresa "1780" restrike Talers.

Severino Family Collection, Washington, D.C.

Conditions range from Fine to AU.